An Exploration of Teacher’s Challenges in the Construction of Concept Maps on Energy

How to Cite

Motlhabane, A. (2013). An Exploration of Teacher’s Challenges in the Construction of Concept Maps on Energy. Scientia in Educatione, 4(1), 19-32.


One of the challenges in the teaching of science is the construction of valid scientific relationships between concepts. An investigation was done with 15 General Education and training (GET) science teachers to determine the challenges they have to deal with in constructing concept maps. Knowledge of how to construct concept maps is crucial since it can help teachers to plan the execution of instruction. The challenge to teachers was to arrange concepts in a hierarchy, the use of propositional linkages as well as cross-linking of concepts. The article suggests that interventions geared at addressing the challenges faced by teachers may include the teaching and learning strategies dealing with concept relations like concept mapping.


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