Lower Secondary School Pupils’ Interest in Biological Sciences
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Fančovičová, J., & Kubiatko, M. (2015). Lower Secondary School Pupils’ Interest in Biological Sciences. Scientia in Educatione, 6(1), 2-13. https://doi.org/10.14712/18047106.151


Pupils’ interest in science subjects has been decreasing all around the world; the reasons lying in the perceived difficulty and unimportance of science subjects for pupils’ future life and work. The aim of the research was to specify which field of science subjects is the most interesting for pupils and to find out the influence of variables such as gender and age on the interest in biological sciences (we supposed that pupils would be mostly interested in biology). The sample size was 389 lower secondary school pupils of age between 10 and 15. Each respondent was to write any number of spontaneous questions on a blank sheet of paper — they were to write questions whose answers were of interest to them. The highest number of questions was from biology (91 %), not from chemistry or physics. The girls were more interested in biology, the 6th graders wrote the highest number of questions and the lowest number of questions was written by the 5th graders. This situation is probably caused by curriculum; the reasons are explained in the conclusions.
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