Beneath the Surface of Academic Redshirting


  • Anna Páchová
  • Zuzana Bílková
  • Zuzana Štefánková
  • Lenka Zemanová



academic redshirting, school failure, primary school


Aims: The Czech Republic belongs to the countries with the highest rate of academic redshirting. However, we can find only a few studies that deal with this problematic. The presented study deals with redshirting in relation to school failure at the beginning of schooling (2nd and 3rd grade). Our goal was to find out how pupils who started their schooling a year late (redshirted children – RCH) perform compared to their peers in terms of cognitive and didactic performance and how their performance continues to develop.

Methods: The research group consisted of 656 children, whereas 137 were RCH. All children were repeatedly tested using cognitive and didactic tests in the 2nd and 3rd grades. Analysis of variance for repeated measurements was used for statistical comparison of results.

Results: It was shown that there is significant variability in performances among RCH and they cannot be considered a homogeneous group. While the youngest RCH (born in the summer months) perform comparable to pupils with their peers, the oldest RCH are generally the weakest group. In terms of development, it seems that the deficits found in the 2nd grade most often tend to persist.


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Research paper