Essays as a Tool for Identifying and Shaping Professional Self-concept of Teacher Students
professional self-concept, student teachers, future teacher education, reflective writing, essay, qualitative researchAbstract
Aim: This research study focuses on the professional self-concept of students as they progress towards becoming teachers. It aims to clarify how students/future teachers perceive themselves in the role of a teacher, and what specific notions they hold about their identity as a teacher. The initial phase of the study entails presenting the theoretical framework, with a particular focus on key concepts such as professional self-concept, professional identity, and professional self, while also delineating the relationships between them. The primary objective of the research is to investigate the professional self-concept of prospective teachers at the end of their undergraduate studies and to identify the factors that shape this professional self-concept.
Methodology: A qualitative research design, employing an inductive analysis of essays written by third-year undergraduate students on the topic of 'I, the future teacher,' was utilized to address the research questions. The texts were coded using the open coding method. These codes, comprising a blend of in vivo and researcher-generated codes, were then organized into five main categories, along with corresponding subcategories.
Results: The analysis of the essays provided insights into the inner world of the students, shedding light on their perceptions of the teaching profession, the values they uphold, their opinions, attitudes, and professional beliefs they possess, as well as their personal motivations for pursuing teaching and the reasoning behind their career choices. Among the five categories, the categories of 'self and conceptions of teaching' and 'self and attitudes toward the profession' were the most prominent. The majority of statements in the essays revolved around the students' envisioned selves in the future and the type of teacher they aspire to be or wish to avoid becoming (the so-called Wanted and Unwanted Selves). These statements predominantly expressed variations of ideas associated with the wanted, desired self.
Discussion: The research data are discussed and interpreted within the framework of a comparative analysis in the context of research of our or international provenance. The role of positive and negative emotions in shaping the professional self-concept is explored, along with its implications for the training of future teachers. Furthermore, attention is directed towards variations in reflective and self-reflective abilities among student teachers, as evidenced by the analysis of essays. A developmental perspective on professional self-concept is also discussed, outlining the three fundamental stages involved in its formation. Additionally, the potential of reflective writing methods for both diagnosing and cultivating the professional self-concept is examined.
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